Wednesday, October 31, 2007


there are some who say
that there is a right and a left
in (the) heaven... – Aristotle

Times when the world
is most spherical, casting
its curved shadow
on the moon, water
and light follow
rules, there's a grid
you can count on, but
now, in this alley of slant-
time when an iron hand
draws a latitude/longitude
of shattered glass, a chaos
geography turning,
in the heat, to dogma,
we're caught in an old vise,
pressed narrow, almost flat.


Naiad said...

Yummmy imagery - figurative language beats CG any day!

lynn said...

oh woman of the waters, won't you consider luring certain politicos into the depths, even as you slip stones into their pockets?
(Perhaps the stones won't be needed, the gold inthose pockets is pretty heavy...)